申请号: | 201510314059.2 | 申请日: | 2015-06-05 |
公开(公告)号: | CN105021496A | 公开(公告)日: | 2015-11-04 |
发明(设计)人: | 王昱海 | 申请(专利权)人: | 王昱海 |
主分类号: | G01N9/04 | 分类号: | G01N9/04 |
代理公司: | 暂无信息 | 代理人: | 暂无信息 |
地址: | 455000 河南省安阳市南关*** | 国省代码: | 河南;41 |
权利要求书: | 查看更多 | 说明书: | 查看更多 |
摘要: | 本发明是一种适应各种材料密度测量的极小误差的密度测量装置。本发明密度测量装置由恒定体积量器和定位器两部分组成。恒定体积量器为两端有一定高差的连通器,由容积部和排液嘴两部分组成。定位器是一块面积大于恒定体积量器底部,类似于方形烟灰缸的板状物,一般设计为有一定坡度的斜面凹槽,保证恒定体积量器每次都放置于同一位置,移动恒定体积量器时无液体洒出量器。本发明可以极大减小人工操作及测量仪器对密度测量形成的误差,提高了各种材料表观密度的测量精度,提高平行试验一致性,缩短试验时间,提高工作效率。发明人的试验证明,在一定精度范围内,试验结果完全相同,几乎无误差。平行试验一致性非常好。 | ||
搜索关键词: | 极小 误差 密度 测量 装置 | ||
极小误差的密度测量装置由恒定体积量器和定位器两部分组成,为一种几乎无误差的材料密度测量装置;1.恒定体积量器:恒定体积量器为一种“长相”与上嘴过滤瓶有一定相似度又明显不同于上嘴过滤瓶的、两端有一定高差的连通器,由容积部和排液嘴两部分组成;容积部是极小误差的密度测量装置盛装液体和测量材料的部分;排液嘴是安装在容积部中上部、与容积部连通的、排液端口低于连通部高度的管状物;恒定体积量器底部标有通过容积部底部中心点与排液嘴中分线的颜色鲜艳线段;恒定体积量器颈部可以做成任意直径的管状或漏斗状;恒定体积量器可以根据需要做成任何容积;可以是有机的化工产品如塑料制成,也可以是无机金属非金属制成。2.定位器:定位器是一块面积大于恒定体积量器底部,类似于方形烟灰缸的板状物;定位器上有一个形状面积与恒定体积测量器底部相同的定位系;定位系一般设计为有一定坡度的斜面凹槽,从定位器中心向定位器定位系斜面最低处标一条射线,便于与恒定体积量器上线段重合,保证恒定体积量器每次都放于同一位置、位于同一角度,确保测量误差最小。3.优化的恒定体积量器优化的恒定体积量器由透明耐磨耐高温不易氧化不易变形的原材料制成,如石英玻璃等;优化的恒定体积量器排液嘴连通在容积部上部排液嘴在颈部距离顶部不小于30mm的位置与容积部连通;排液嘴水平长度超出定位器边缘,排 液嘴排液端最低部分距恒定体积量器底部高度最好为80‑150mm,排液嘴管状部分可以有一个稍微向上倾斜的弧度,这个弧度高度一般≥20mm;排液嘴内径在4mm‑8mm之间;优化的恒定体积量器颈部管状或者漏斗状高度宜大于50mm小于300mm,直径最好为20mm、50mm、100mm、150mm、200mm,以适应颗粒直径≤颈部四分之三的测量物能够顺利放入恒定体积量器中;容积超过1000ml的恒定体积量器可以在排液口垂直中分线处安装一个耳状把手。A density measuring set‑up A density measuring set‑up is made up of a volumetric flask and a locater,and is a density measuring set‑up with very small errors:1.Volumetric flask:The volumetric flask mentioned here looks like a ‘mouth‑filter flask’ and is a communicating vessel with height difference;the flask is used to hold up liquid and measure material density;the liquid draining part is at the upper part of the flask and the liquid draining point is slightly lower than the communicating vessel;a line with bright color goes through the bottom center and the liquid draining tube center;The volumetric flask can be either tube‑shaped or funnel‑shaped with different diameters;The volumetric flask can be made of either nonmetals,such as plastics,or metals;2.Locater:The locator is square‑shaped,and it is bigger than the bottom of the volumetric flask;the locating system has the same area and shape as the bottom of the volumetric flask and it is an inclined groove;a line is drawn from the center of the locator to the lowest point of the locating system,which should be super‑positioned with the line on the volumetric flask and thus making sure that the volumetric flask is put at the same position and angle each time during measurement. 3.Optimized volumetric flask The optimized volumetric flask is made from transparent materials which can tolerate high temperatures and are uneasy to be distorted or oxidized,such as quartz;the liquid draining part is located at the upper part of the volumetric flask;the liquid draining point is located at a position which is more than 30 mm from the neck of the flask;the horizontal length of the fluid draining part is longer than the edge of the locater;The lowest point of the liquid draining part is about 80‑150 mm to the bottom of the volumetric flask;an upward camber which has a height of more than 20 mm and an inner diameter of 4o8 mm,constitutes the liquid draining part;The height of the neck of the optimized volumetric flask should be taller than 50 mm byt lower than 300 mm,and the diameter should be 20 mm,50 mm,100 mm,150 mm,or 200 mm,in order to successfully put particles which have a diameter of less than 3/4 into the volumetric flask;A handle can be installed.in the middle of the volumetric flask and perpendicular to the liquid draining part ifthe volume of the flask is bigger than 1000 ml。