申请号: | 201310026983.1 | 申请日: | 2013-01-22 |
公开(公告)号: | CN103215273A | 公开(公告)日: | 2013-07-24 |
发明(设计)人: | 邓唯唯;石太平;雄英;李静;马大龙 | 申请(专利权)人: | 北京诺赛基因组研究中心有限公司 |
主分类号: | C12N15/12 | 分类号: | C12N15/12;C12N15/63;C07K14/47;A61K38/17;A61K48/00;A61P29/00;A61P35/00 |
代理公司: | 北京品源专利代理有限公司 11332 | 代理人: | 巩克栋 |
地址: | 100176 北京市大*** | 国省代码: | 北京;11 |
权利要求书: | 查看更多 | 说明书: | 查看更多 |
摘要: | |||
搜索关键词: | 抑制 细胞 增殖 蛋白质 cgref1 表达 序列 及其 应用 | ||
转录因子激活蛋白-1(AP-1;activator protein1)是亮氨酸拉链蛋白,由Jun蛋白家族(Jun,Jun-B,Jun-D)(例如参见Ryder K,Lanahan A,Perez-Albuerne E,Nathans D.jun-D:a third member of the jun gene family.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA1989,86:1500-1503;Hartl M,Hutchins JT,VogtPK.The chicken junD gene and its product.Oncogene 1991;6:1623-1631;Hirai SI,Ryseck RP,Mechta F,Bravo R,Yaniv M.Characterization of junD:a new member ofthe jun proto-oncogene family.EMBO J1989;8:1433-1439)、Fos蛋白家族(Fos,FosB,Fra-1,Fra-2)(例如参见Nishina H,Sato H,Suzuki T,Sato M,Iba H.Isolation and characterization of fra-2,an additional member of the fos gene family.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA1990;87:3619-3623)、ATF蛋白家族(ATF-α,ATF-2,ATF-3)及JDP蛋白家族(JDP-1,JDP-2)(例如参见Aronheim A,Zandi E,Hennemann H,Elledge SJ,Karin M.Isolation of an AP-1 repressor by a novel method for detecting protein-protein interactions.Mol Cell Biol1997;17:3094-3102)组成。胞外刺激如细胞因子、生长因子、胁迫、感染、致癌刺激等生理或病理信号,通过丝裂原活化的蛋白激酶(MAPK)级联信号通路引起AP-1二聚体组份如Fos、Jun等表达上调或磷酸化修饰改变而促进AP-1的转录活性,启动多种与细胞增殖、存活、分化和转化等相关基因的转录(例如参见Virna D.Leaner,Howard Donninger,ChadA.Ellis,Geoffrey J.Clark,and Michael J.Birrer.p75-Ras-GRF1 Is a c-Jun/AP-1 Target Protein:Its Up Regulation Results in Increased Ras Activity and Is Necessary for c-Jun-Induced Nonadherent Growth of Rat1a Cells.Mol Cell Biol.2005April;25(8):3324–3337;Shen Q,Uray IP,Li Y,Krisko TI,Strecker TE,Kim HT,Brown PH.The AP-1transcription factor regulates breast cancer cell growth via cyclins and E2F factors.Oncogene.2008Jan10;27(3):366-77;Hess J,Angel P,Schorpp-Kistner M.AP-1subunits:quarrel and harmony among siblings.J Cell Sci.2004Dec1;117(25):5965-73.)。研究表明,AP-1的激活与炎症反应、免疫应答、细胞增生、转化、肿瘤侵润、转移和细胞凋亡等重要的生理病理过程密切相关(例如参见Ozanne BW,Spence HJ,McGarry LC,Hennigan RF.Transcription factors control invasion:AP-1 the first among equals.Oncogene.2007 Jan4;26(1):1-10;Zenz R,et al.Activator protein1(Fos/Jun)functions in inflammatory bone and skin disease.Arthritis Res Ther.2008Jan18;10(1):201;Libermann TA,Zerbini LF.Targeting transcription factors for cancer gene therapy.Curr Gene Ther.2006Feb;6(1):17-33;Wagner EF,Eferl R.Fos/AP-1proteins in bone and the immune system.Immuno l Rev.2005Dec;208:126-40.)。肿瘤侵袭和转移性生长的显著特点是形态上从上皮到间皮的转变和细胞极性的丧失,Jun和Fos参与该过程。(例如参见ReichmannE,Schwarz H,Deiner EM,Leitner I,Eilers M,Berger J,Busslinger M,Beug H.Activation of an inducible c-Fos ER fusion protein causes loss of epithelial polarity and triggers epithelial-fibrobla-stoid cell conversion.Cell 1992;71:1103-1116;Fialka I,Schwarz H,Reichmann E,Oft M,Busslinger M,Beug H.The estrogen-dependent c-Jun ER protein causes a reversible loss of mammary epithelial cell polarity involving a destabilization of adherens junctions.J Cell Biol1996;132:1115-1132)。研究证明,以AP-1为靶标,通过抑制细胞中AP-1活性,进而抑制相关基因的表达,可以达到疾病治疗的目的(例如参见Shen Q,Uray IP,Li Y,Krisko TI,Strecker TE,Kim HT,Brown PH.The AP-1transcription factor regulates breast cancer cell growth via cyclins and E2F factors.Oncogene.2008Jan10;27(3):366-77.)。这提示我们,如能找出细胞内抑制AP-1的蛋白,在肿瘤等疾病的早期设法阻断AP-1的活性,将有助于对疾病进展的控制,为肿瘤等疾病的治疗带来新希望。