申请号: | 96195727.1 | 申请日: | 1996-06-04 |
公开(公告)号: | CN1191469A | 公开(公告)日: | 1998-08-26 |
发明(设计)人: | F·J·伊威;J·J·迪比内;C·D·克尼格特 | 申请(专利权)人: | 诺沃斯国际公司 |
主分类号: | A23K1/00 | 分类号: | A23K1/00 |
代理公司: | 中国国际贸易促进委员会专利商标事务所 | 代理人: | 郭建新 |
地址: | 美国密*** | 国省代码: | 暂无信息 |
权利要求书: | 查看更多 | 说明书: | 查看更多 |
摘要: | |||
搜索关键词: | 用于 家禽 其它 动物 水分 营养 配方 | ||
出于经济原因,商业化场所中孵化鸡雏的管理很重视鸡蛋的雏鸡孵化百分率。为达到90%的孵化率,通常将先孵化的禽留在孵化器中达一段时间使晚孵化的雏鸡出壳和干燥。因此,将雏鸡从孵化盘移出时,它们的大小在孵出数小时至约2天内不等(由孵化每只禽测得)。该时期被称为孵化后保持期(post-hatch holding period)。
商业化家禽孵卵养鸡场通常为宽地域范围内的一些饲养场提供雏鸡。在将禽送达饲养场之前一般不提供饲料和水,结果禽在得到饲料和水之前得经历数天。富含脂质的卵黄囊和肝脏内脂质储备物能满足所孵出禽的最低营养需要(Freeman等,Development of theAvian Embryo,London,Chapman and Hall,1974)。所以,禽孵出后有一段时间营养不足是正常的,未必危及它们的生命(Entenman等,The Lipid Content of Blood,Liver,and Yolk Sac of the Newlv HatchedChick and the Changes That Occur in These Tissues During the FirstMonth of Life,J.Biol Chem.,Vol.133,pp.231-241(1940);Vanheel等,Resorption of Yolk Lipids by the Pigeon Embryo,Comp,Biochem.Physiol.,Vol.68A pp.641-646(1981);Phelps等,ThePosthatch Physiology of the Turkey Poult-III.Yolk Depletion andSerum Metabolites,Comp.Biochem.Physiol.,Vol.87A,No.2pp.409-415(1987);Noble等,Lipid Changes in the Residual Yolk and Livetof the Chick Immediately after Harching,Biol Neonate,Vol.56,pp.228-236(1989);Chamblee等,Yolk Sac Absorption and Initiation ofGrowth in Broilers,Poultry Science,Vol.72,pp.1811-1816(1992))。但是,这并不意味着利用蛋黄残余物为出壳后雏禽唯一的营养源就能提供最适的成活率、抗疾病性、或增重和饲料效率。业已证实延时放置会减小随后的成活率(Kingston,Some Hatchery Factors In-volved in Early Chick Mortality,Australian Veterinayy Jour.,Vol.55,pp.418-421(1979);Fanguy等,Effect of Delayed Placement on Mor-tality and Growth Performance of Commercial Broilers,Poultry Sci-ence,Vol.59,pp.1215-1220(1980)),抗疾病能力(Wyatt等,Influ-ence of Hatcher Holding Times on Several Physiological ParametersAssociated with the Immune System of Chickens,Poultry Science,Vol.65,pp.2156-2164(1986);Casteel等,The Influence of Extend-ed Posthatch Holding Time and Placement Density on Broiler Perfor-mance,Poultry Science.Vol.73,pp.1679-1684(1994))和生长状况(Hager等,Education and Production Posthatch Incubation Time andEarly Growth of Broiler Chickens,Poultry Science,Vol.62,PP.247-254(1983);Wyatt等,Influence of Egg Size,Eggshell Quality,andPosthatch Holding Time on Broiler Performance,Poultrv Science,Vol.64,pp.2049-2055(1985);Pinchasov等,Comparison of Post-HarchHolding Time and Subsequent Early Performance of Broiler Chicks andTurkey Poults,British Poultry Science,Vol.34,pp.111-120(1993))。已发现,如果没有其它营养物只提供单独的营养成分如葡萄糖作为单一溶液喂食,不能持续或持久改善生长状况或成活率(Azahan等,Growth,Food Intake and Energy Balance of Layer andBroiler Chickens Offered Glucose in the Drinking Water and the Effectof Dietary Protein Content,British Poultry Science,Vol.30,pp.907-917(1989);Moran,Effects of Posthatch Glucose on Poults Fed andFasted During Yolk Sac Depletion,Poultry Science,Vol.68,pp.1141-1147(1989);Moran Effects of Egg Weight,Glucose Administrationat Hatch,and Delayed Access to Feed and Water on the Poult at 2Weeks of Age,Poultry Science,Vol.69,pp.1718-1723(1990))。