申请号: | 200810148031.6 | 申请日: | 2008-12-25 |
公开(公告)号: | CN101760507A | 公开(公告)日: | 2010-06-30 |
发明(设计)人: | 陈静;郑寒;付体华 | 申请(专利权)人: | 中国科学院成都生物研究所 |
主分类号: | C12Q1/68 | 分类号: | C12Q1/68 |
代理公司: | 成都赛恩斯知识产权代理事务所(普通合伙) 51212 | 代理人: | 彭晓波 |
地址: | 610041 *** | 国省代码: | 四川;51 |
权利要求书: | 查看更多 | 说明书: | 查看更多 |
摘要: | |||
搜索关键词: | 一种 通量 鉴定 小麦 分子量 谷蛋白 方法 | ||
蛋白质的数量和质量是影响小麦面粉品质的重要因素。小麦种子储藏蛋白主要由麦醇溶蛋白(Gliadin)和麦谷蛋白(Glutenin)组成,麦谷蛋白又分为高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基(HMW-GS)和低分子量麦谷蛋白亚(LMW-GS),亚基间通过二硫键结合形成谷蛋白大聚合体,赋予面团独特的粘弹性和延展性[Payne P I,Law C N,Mudd E E.Control byhomologous group 1 chromosomes of the high-molecular-weight subunits of glutenin,a majorprotein of wheat endosperm.Theor Appl Genet,1980,58:113-120;Wrigley C W.Giant proteinswith flour power.Nature,1996,381:738-739;Gianibelli M C,Larroque O R,MacRitchie F.Biochemical,genetic,molecular characterization of wheat glutenin and its component subunits.Cereal Chem,2001,78:635-646],可以加工成面包、面条和糕点等多种食品。遗传和生化研究表明,高分子量谷蛋白的组成和数量与小麦面包加工品质密切相关[Payne P I,Law C N,Mudd E E.Control by homologous group 1 chromosomes of the high-molecular-weight subunitsof glutenin,a major protein of wheat endosperm.Theor Appl Genet,1980,58:113-120;Payne PI,Genetics of wheat storage proteins and the effect of allelic variation on bread making quality.Ann Rev Plant Physiol,1987,38:141-153;Radovanovic N,Cloutier S,Brown D,et al.Geneticvariance for gluten strength contributed by high molecular weight glutenin proteins.CerealChem.2002,79:843-849]。高分子麦谷蛋白基因位点Glu-1位于第1同源群染色体长臂,在A、B、D组染色体上含有相应的Glu-A1、Glu-B1和Glu-D1同源基因复合位点,每个Glu-1位点又包含分别编码x-和y-型高分子麦谷蛋白亚基的2个紧密连锁基因[Payne P I,Lawrence G J.Catalogue of alleles for the complex loci,Glu-A1,Glu-B1 and Glu-D1,whichcode for high-molecular-weight subunits of glutenin in hexaploid wheat.Cereal Res Comm,1983,11:29-35;Shewry P R,Halford N G and Tatham A S.The high-molecular-weightsubunits of wheat glutenin.Journal of Cereal Science,1992,15(2):105-120]。Payne首先建立了小麦高分子量谷蛋白亚基(对)对面筋品质贡献的评分系统,如Ax1/Ax2*和Dx5是目前公认的面包小麦优质亚基[Payne P I,Genetics of wheat storage proteins and the effect of allelicvariation on bread making quality.Ann Rev Plant Physiol,1987,38:141-153]。研究表明,等位基因Glu-Blal编码的超表达Bx7亚基(Bx7OE)能显著提高面筋强度[Butow BJ,Ma W,GaleKR,et al.Molecular discrimination of Bx7 alleles demonstrates that a highly expressedhigh-molecular-weight glutenin allele has a major impact on wheat flour dough strength.TheorAppl Genet,2003,107:1524-1532],含有Bx7OE的小麦育成品种或地方品种通常都具有更好的面筋强度[Vawser M J,Cornish G B.Overexpression of HMW glutenin subunit Glu-B1 7x inhexaploid wheat varieties(Triticum aestivum).Austral J Agric Res,2004,55:577-588;Lukow OM,Forsyth S A,Payne P I.Over-production of HMW glutenin subunits coded on chromosome1B in common wheat,Triticum aestivum.J Genet Breed,1992,46:187-192;Radovanovic N, Cloutier S,Brown D,Humphreys D G,Lukow O M.Genetic variance for gluten strengthcontributed by high molecular weight glutenin proteins.Cereal Chem,2002,79:843-849]。发掘和利用Bx7OE已成为进一步改良小麦品质的重要途径,目前发达国家优质小麦育种计划正加强利用这一基因。
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